Vintage Brooch Necklaces

.... more styles

Crystal Flower Vintage Brooch Necklace

with Swarovski Crystals



Links  By  Jane

Blue Vintage Brooch Necklace

with Pearls and Swarovski Crystals



Vintage Brooch Necklace with Pearls



If you see an item of jewelry that you would like to purchase, please email me from the Contact Us page.

Crystal Butterfly Vintage Brooch Necklace

with Pearls and Swarovski Crystals



Unique Handcrafted Jewelry

Amethyst Vintage Brooch Necklace

with Pearls and Swarovski Crystals



Blue Butterfly Vintage Brooch Necklace

with Pearls and Swarovski Crystals



Floral Vintage Brooch Necklace

with Pearls and Swarovski Crystals



Painted Cabochon Vintage Brooch Necklace

with Pearls



Crystal Bow Vintage Brooch Necklace

with Pearls



Blue Vintage Brooch Necklace

with Pearls and Swarovski Crystals

